Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Cheap Oil Changes

Everyone must be aware of gas buddy and other sites that list gas prices in your area. It was an exciting prospect to think that one could save a little money just by knowing everyone’s prices so you can choose the best one.

Well let’s say you have a 14 gallon tank and gas is $2.89 then it means you spend $40.46. Well let’s say the best price on town is much lower $2.46 which comes to $34.44 a difference of $6.02. Six dollars is great but to take your time to drive what is many times an across the city location and spend $1 or $2 dollars of gas in the process does not seem to make a lot of sense.

However if you find what cheap oil changes are in your city you will find that oil change prices can vary by sometimes $20 or more. In my case an oil change down the street at the popular chain is about $40 and I had discovered a 20 min drive to a dealership and it is $15 and that is a good shave off my spending for the month. The $25 saved can easily pay for a bill or at least contribute to paying one.


To do an oil change yourself you need something to catch the oil, oil filter, tools for the oil pan and a tool for the oil filter. You need to also buy the right amount of oil. Drive to a local oil collection place to dispose of the dirty oil.

It just seems to make more sense to pay $15 and wait an hour. I know things may be changing here in the economy and then it would be better to do it yourself.

Since this made sense one day I began to call around and made a map since there is no one like gas buddy for this sort of thing. For a list of prices for an oil change in your area visit cheapoilchanges currently it shows only Colorado but if you would like I am happy to get the prices for your area just email me at pricehunter@cheapoilchanges.net. More States will be added soon.